In addition, we’re saddened to report that many of the problems of FIFA 17, such as the strange and erratic behavior of AI are still present, as if EA didn’t even know they existed. It is not the revolution that EA Sports have been insisting we’d get via their trailers and marketing campaigns. Yes, FIFA 18 is more beautiful, more tactical and more physical but it is little else. The problem is that we’re missing that “something new” that we got with the FIFA 17 demo when it introduced The Journey. Moreover, you’ll be punished harshly if you make mistakes whilst trying to regain possession of the ball. One of the more obvious changes to the gameplay is that now it is not enough to press a single button to defend successfully.
For example, Bakayoko and Kante both really stand out for Chelsea. What is most noticeable is how unique each player is. In the demo, the fusion of all these innovations results in a much more physical and tactical game than ever.
A new system for crossing gives you more freedom to pass the ball, Cristiano Ronaldo's extensive participation has allowed him to transfer his skills and techniques to the game, certain players behave like they do in real life and as a cherry on top we have a totally different evasion system.